Working on getting things properly set up

I’m writing this knowing you won’t even be able to read it until some time in the future, but I’m okay with that for two reasons: I want to let you readers know about the process and the things that Vince and I are doing to launch the game, and also I want to launch the site with five blog posts so the formatting isn’t all screwed up in the page design. Only launching with one blog post would make the page look weird, and we can’t have that.

Reign in Hell came out of COVID-19 boredom and my desire to work with Vince on a gaming project. Keeping Vince and I away from gaming conventions in 2020 has at least had one good result, I guess. Snarling Badger Studios came from a desire from both of us to work on other gaming projects in the future after the launch of Reign in Hell - and that is the current plan; we’ll be making some small, probably free additions to the first game and then start working on the next game after that. To be clear: this is currently a side gig for us both, so we’ll maybe be able to crank out a game a year, and we won’t release as game just to hit a schedule. They’ll be done when they’re done. And then we’ll tell you about them. Oh, how we’ll tell you.

So hello, future readers. I hope you enjoy our game.


The game is on its way for proofing